Grants currently awarded
Polish Technological Bridges
We are pleased to announce that MAGAM Ltd. became the beneficiary of the Polish Technological Bridges project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under Priority Axis III of Support for innovation in enterprises, Measure: 3.3. Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises under the Smart Growth Operational Program 2014-2020.
After signing the grant agreement, we will start intensive activities to increase our sales on the Taiwanese markets.

Technology transfer
MAGAM once again demonstrated its effectiveness and won a GRANT for the amount of PLN 462,000.00 for the purchase of an innovative production process management system in order to optimize and improve the organization of processes at MAGAM Ltd.

The Technology Transfer Grant is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund as part of the ARP S.A. Project. – Open Innovation Network, Measure 2.2 Smart Growth Operational Program: “Open innovations – supporting technology transfer.”
Purchase of an innovative production process management system to optimize and improve the organization of processes at MAGAM Ltd.
Beneficiary: MAGAM Ltd.
Amount of funding: PLN 462,000.00
Date of signing the contract: 01/07/2022